Tours To Uzbekistan

Architectural complex Zangi-Ata

 Zangi-Ata complex is located 15 kilometres from Tashkentin the village of the same name. It is an architectural monument of the XIV century includes a mosque, madrasah minaret and two mausoleums, one of which is Zangi-Ata mausoleum, the second one is his wife Ambar-Bibi.

  According to legend, Sheikh Ai-Khoja, whose nickname was Zangi-Ata (black) was a patron of shepherds, that’s why architectural complex was built here. The gate is a portal-domed building with turrets at the corners.

  Zangi-Ata Mausoleum was built in the beginning of XX century. There is a courtyard in front of the mausoleum. The basic construction material is a square burnt brick. There are a lot of small rooms – hujr inside the madrasah. The portal of the mausoleum is decorated with lines of blue ornaments and tiles.

  Zangi-Ata mosque was built in 1870, is located in the south-western part of the ensemble. It is an elongate structure with a wooden aiwan in front of façade. In 1915 the building of the mosque was restored. It is known that originally the interior was decorated with inscriptions and beautiful flowers, but unfortunately, the painting did not preserve.

  Nowadays, the architectural complex Zangi-Ata is revered among Muslims, also it is a great historical and artistic value.


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