Tours To Uzbekistan


Karshi  is a city in southern Uzbekistan. It is the capital of Kashkadarya Province and has a population of 238,2. Karshi city is located in the river basin Kashkadarya in the heart of the Kashkadarya oasis, in the eastern part of the Karshi steppe. It is located at the foot of Kungurtau, on the western edge of the Pamir-Alai mountain system.
Karshi is one of the oldest settlements on the territory of Uzbekistan. It is the birthplace of Amir Temur (Tamerlane).
The age of the city is 2706 years. On October 27, 2006 the country celebrated the 2700th anniversary of Karshi city.
The main places of interest are: ancient settlement Erkurgan, mosques Kok-Gumbez (end of the XVI century), Bekmir (XVI), Kilichboy, Khodja kurban, Magzon and Charmgar (XIX—XX), madrassah Khodja Abdul Aziz. Today it is the Regional Museum, the largest museum in the city.


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