Tours To Uzbekistan

 Andijan - eastern gate of Uzbekistan

Andijan is a city in Ferghana Valley of Uzbekistan with 2000 years old and considering to be one of the oldest Uzbekistan cities.
Previously, Andijan represented Eastern Gates to Ferghana Valley for Silk Road travelers - they used to stay overnight in it and trade goods. Later, in 16th century, Andijan got conquered by Sheibanids dynasty, and not so long after - Kokand's khanate re-conquered the city.
The big earthquake happened in 1902 turned in ruins most of architectural monuments, rare buildings and ancient sights. The only building which survived through - is Jami Mosque, a huge object of cultural and historical city. Very big complex including minaret, madrassah and mosque - almost as big as Bibi Khanym Mosque in Samarkand. It is more than 100 meters long and spread on the area of 1.5 hectares. The complex is working, and accepts pilgrims and prayers daily.
Modern Andijan now - an industrial, research, educational, tourist, cultural and transport center of the entire Fergana Valley. Andijan International Airport named after Babur. Babur, the founder of the Mughal Empire, was born and raised in Andijan.


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