Tours To Uzbekistan

Uzbek wedding

Published: 30 april 2012

Different kinds of events are frightfully loved in the East. And Uzbekistan is not the exception. If you have ever read the Eastern tales, you know that they all finish like this: at the end they got married, and they were celebrating the wedding for 40 days and 40 nights, and they lived for a long time and were happy…Of course forty days weddings may be only in the tales. But, nevertheless, in the East the weddings are very big and they are hold at least 2-3 days. In Uzbekistan all events are called Tuy. Wedding – nikokh tuy, child birth – beshik tuy, circumcision of the son according to the Muslim traditions – sunnat tuy and etc.
The celebrations are prepared and directed by women. Men are breadwinners, and they have no time to be busy about the holiday rush, and that is why men have no time for these traditions and ceremonies. Men usually solve key issues and participate in principal negotiations between the parents of the bride and groom. All the little things related to the wedding are decided by highly respected women.

I. Morning palov.
All events (except incidental rites, which began a month before the wedding, and even earlier) began from the morning palov. The guests gather for the morning palov, duration of which is about 30 minutes. Palov is served approximately at 6-7 p.m. depending on the season. There is no nothing superfluous on the tables, minimum of food, no alcoholic beverages. The main dish is of course palov. Only men can come for the morning palov. The average number of guests is about 300-600 people. Sometimes the number can reach 1000, and even 5000. Of course only famous, respected and wealthy man can invite such a great number of friends. Morning palov is a sign of the fact that a young man from this family is engaged to a young girl from another family, and they are relatives now. So, why palov is served up in the mornings. And why only men attend the meal. Palov is served up early in the morning in order not to disturb people from work; after palov all can easily go away.  Men are invited by names, because there is not always an opportunity to invite all for the evening celebration, and with the active tempo of life not all have time and desire to attend weddings in the evenings. And the morning palov is comfortable for both host and guest; it is not a pity for all. Before the morning palov was hold in the bride house. Today there are many restaurants and special places for such events, and palov tradition is not the exception. The financial issues of the morning palov are namely settled by the groom.
If you visit Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara, in the warm season, and walk in the streets early in the morning, you will see such events almost everywhere. You can easily come in and nobody will ask you of who are you and where are you from. You will be politely met, treated with tea and palov. You should taste it. The entry is absolutely free and it is normal. No wonder that there is a perception on the eastern hospitality.

  1. II. Main part.
    After the morning palov till evening the time of calm comes. In the afternoon, after the official registration of marriage the newlyweds with friends on the wedding motorcade go for a walk around the city, they conduct photo sessions etc. And in the evening the young couple goes to the restaurant. As it was written above, in early times the weddings were hold in the yards of the houses, and only men came for palov in the mornings, and only women came to the groom’s house in the evenings. But times are changing – today weddings are hold in the restaurants and big banquet rooms, and close relatives and friends are invited, 300 – 400 people. It is not much for the East. Evening occasions are hold in a standard manner, as in the whole world: toastmaster, music, dances. After the wedding the couple goes to the house of groom’s parents.  
    By the way it is not easy to come in the restaurant in the evening as it was in the morning. Of course, nobody will stop you, but an awkward situation may occur. Some relatives, who meet and see off the guests, fully controlling the process of the wedding, may be interested from which side of relatives you are.
  1. III. Finishing touch – Kelin salom.
    Next day after the wedding the relatives of the bride and groom come for some hours to the groom’s house. The celebration is called “Kelin salom” direct translation “daughter’s -in-law greeting”. It is the most interesting and picturesque event among all. Young daughter-in-law, dressed with a bright headscarf on her head that covers her face, goes to the guests to greet all with the bows. The daughter-in-law bows for a reason - the gifts should be presented to her. The parents of the groom usually present expensive jewelry. Other relatives usually give all that may be of use in a new life – from the carpet to the furniture, from dish to equipment, depending on the relative status.
    It is not possible to put into words all this. You should be a witness of the descendent and enjoy every moment.

Below you can watch the video fragment of this event.




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