Tours To Uzbekistan

Architectural monuments

Minaret, a symbol of East
Rubric: Architectural monuments

Minaret is one of the most interesting and mysterious forms of Oriental architecture. It’s a mandatory element of urban architecture and often is a symbol of the city. The word ‘minaret&rs...

Emir Zindan
Rubric: Architectural monuments

Zindan (“zina” - "crime" and “dan” – “room”) in Persian means an underground prison. It’s the most mysterious monument of Bukhara built in XVIII century...

Tashkent at the end of XIX century
Rubric: Architectural monuments

What was Tashkent at the end of XIX century? We can know about it only from the books of travelers, had visited Tashkent at that time.   Gabriel Bonvalot, famous French traveler, had been in the ...

Traditional Uzbek houses
Rubric: Architectural monuments

The construction of Uzbek houses formed on the weather and relief of the region. That’s why each city of Uzbekistan has its own traditions and even school of architecture. Because of f...

About yurta
Rubric: Architectural monuments

The main type of accommodation for nomadic Uzbek people was yurta up to XIX century. After changing to settled life (end of XIX c.) they began to build wattle and daub houses. For this time yurta used...

Sardoba or medieval water storage
Rubric: Architectural monuments

Because of dry climate water was very important in Central Asia. It was especially difficult for caravans having gone through the desert. That’s why special water storage or sardoba was set alon...

Rubric: Architectural monuments

Caravanserai is an original public building in the Middle East and Central Asia, usually serves as shelter for travelers in cities and populated areas. There were one and two storey caravanserais. Car...

Katta Langar: where time has no power
Rubric: Architectural monuments

The mountainous village Katta Langar is situated on the foot of the Zarafshan spine, 70 kilometers from Shahrisyabz. It is unique place with its picturesque nature landscapes. The view of this place g...

Observatory Maidanak
Rubric: Architectural monuments

The definite location of this observatory is 120 kilometers from Samarkand, on the western side of the mountain Maidanak which actually gave the name to observatory. This unique place was created by a...

Stones of Sangijuman
Rubric: Architectural monuments

Nature is the best sculptor: its creations are always mysterious and unique. The wind, air and water together create real masterpieces and they cannot be unnoticed. Good example is the area Sangijuman...

Ichan-Kala gate
Rubric: Architectural monuments

   Ichan-Kala city (inner castle) is located in the historical centre of the ancient city Khiva. The territory of Ichan-Kala is 30 hectares. The height of the fortress’ walls is 10 met...

Kaldyrgach-biy (Tole bi) Mausoleum
Rubric: Architectural monuments

 Kaldyrgach-biy (Tole bi) Mausoleum was built in the first half of the XV century in Tashkent city. There are remains of the eminent Kazakh politician Tole bi "Kaldyrgach" that means ("Swallow"),...

Tashkent yesterday and today
Rubric: Architectural monuments

Several administrative buildings of the century before last maintained till our days. Against the background of the modern structures they noticeably stand out. And that is most interesting, they are ...


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