Tours To Uzbekistan

Observatory Maidanak

Published: 27 january 2015

Observatory MaidanakThe definite location of this observatory is 120 kilometers from Samarkand, on the western side of the mountain Maidanak which actually gave the name to observatory. This unique place was created by astronomer V. S. Shevchenko.

The location of the observatory was selected after long investigation of the area, its climate, permanently bright sky. Also this place is unique because of still air all year round.

This all points help to make good and unique photos, control astrophysical objects. The one more interesting fact - Maidanak Observatory is situated between two big stations on the Earth (Hawaii and Canarias islands). The object is located 2700 meters above sea level, the best location for observatory work.

The object is closed in winter because of severe climatic conditions, bad routes of supply. The common area of the object is 32 hectares, where 10 telescopes are located.

The main telescope is AZT-22 1, 5 meters. This instrument helps to make photos of extragalactic objects. Important telescopes Ceiss – 1000, 600 are also used in this object. In 2005 PZS –camera FLIIMG 1001E was specially bought for Maidanak.

Abandoned for several years observatory Maidanak has aroused interest to its location and opportunities. Today Maidanak is widely used and enters Pulkovski cooperation. 

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