Tours To Uzbekistan

Samarkand Drama Theatre

  According to historical data, Samarkand Russian Drama Theatre named after A.P. Chekhov  was created at the end of XX century. Russian classic comedy “Oaf” (D.S. Fonvizin) was shown on October 15, 1876 by an amateur troupe of Samarkand.

  On October 26-27, 1918 the performance “The storm” by A.N. Ostrovsky was demonstrated in the theatre. On August 7, 1918 according to the decision of Samarkand Commissariat, the national theatre was renamed to the State theatre.

  In September 1925 the theatre became the Republican State Drama Theatre. There were not only classical but also drama both Soviet and foreign authors.

  1959 year is considered the main moment in the formation of the actor collective of the theatre. That year the youth studio was created in the theatre. Its creative team included graduates of higher educational institutions of theatres of Moscow, Leningrad, Tashkent and other cities.

  On February 14, 1978 the theatre was named A.P. Chekhov. Today it is two-storey building with an area of 425 sq. metres, accommodating 342 seats. The theatre mainly tour in Central Asia, as well as Novorossiysk city and Saratov region.

  Samarkand theatre named after A.P. Chekhov is one of the first theaters in the country, where the performance “My dear mother” by A. Kahhar was staged. Despite the premiere of performance took place in 2007, the show still is very popular both among adults and students.

  Theatre director V. Brodyansky in 2006 was awarded the title "Honored worker of culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan” for his contribution to the development of theatrical art of Uzbekistan.


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