Tours To Uzbekistan

Samarkand Regional Museum

Samarkand Regional Museum is located in a historic mansion, built in XX century by the architect E.O.Nelle. The museum was opened in 1896.

 The exposition of the museum consists of two departments: the Department of History and the Department of nature. In the history department, located on the first floor, you can see the places of the primitive man, original history of ancient times, traditional national culture and monuments of material culture of the early and late Middle Ages, as well as the customs and rituals of the people of Samarkand region.

  There is a rich and diverse flora and fauna of Samarkand region in the department of nature. Here you can also see herbaria, botanical and entomological collections, landscape expositions, as well as home appliances, weapons, early manuscripts and documents, ceramic and metal items.

  In Samarkand museum you have a unique opportunity to admire European furniture of XVIII- XIX century. By the assumption of specialists, furniture was belonged to the emperor Napoleon.

  You will be amazed the interior beauty of the building made by the experienced craftsmen. Living room “mehmonhona” retained its original appearance, its magnificent carved ceiling is painted with oil paint, and the walls are decorated with ganch.

  Today, the exhibition “Jews of the past and present” reflecting the life of Bukhara Jews of XIX-XX centuries. The building of Samarkand Regional museum is the monument of architecture and it is protected by the government.


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