Tours To Uzbekistan

Women of the East by Shakhnoz Abdullaeva

Published: 15 may 2015

Shakhnoz AbdullaevaShakhnoz Abdullaeva is a famous Uzbek artist. The main themes of her works are the women of the East – legendary poetesses, queens and goddesses. Her works fascinate by its elegant color combinations and interesting stories.

We can often see images of moving Central Asian Arba in her works. Through her work artist is trying to determine the position of women, building a balance between the thoughts and cultural memory.

The art

Since 1997 the artist’s work changed as she began to use limited palette. Because of this the works became more sophisticated and refined. Backgrounds are also changed and become more complex and differ from the usual associations.

Her beauties turned into angels with sensuous character and emotion. It’s especially manifested in the works of "Nostalgia" and "Pearl" (1997). 

Shakhnoz Abdullaeva

Since 2003 the works of artist changed again – we can see mood of contemplation and self-absorption. Her character strives for far and more sublime world. We can be traced in the work "Paradise. Angel "(2003)," Conversation in the Vineyard "(2006) and others.

Women of the East

In the works of Shakhnoz Abdullaeva we can see that repeated position gestures, shapes, plastic and regal amazing perfection dominate in female images. An imaginary world of the artist is a kind of utopian dreams and is a desirable way.

The work of the artist is a dream comes true for many talented young girls who are just embarking on uncharted path with many hopes and new discoveries.

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