Tours To Uzbekistan

Museum of Winemaking at Khovrenko Winery

Published: 17 may 2016
wineWine is one of the oldest and popular drinks all over the world. Many called it “a gift of God” because it gives vitality to men and women.
Uzbekistan isn’t an exception and locals honor the drink. Arrival of Alexander the Great spurred the development of winemaking in the region. At the same time, it was observed that the grape grown in the territory of Samarkand differ by particularly sweet taste.


However, in the VII-VIII centuries, the vineyards were completely cut down, and winemaking was discontinued. Production was revived again in the late XIX century, when the Russian businessman Dmitriy Filatov arrived in Samarkand. He didn’t only produce wine, but also introduce new varieties of grapes.
In a short time he was able to assemble a unique collection that had great popularity abroad. Some years later M. Khovrenko continued the work of D. Filatov. He was also involved in breeding new varieties and production of Uzbek wines.

House Museum of Filatov

Now all varieties are exhibited in Filatov's house-museum, located in Samarkand. There’s new wine collection with a long exposure in the basement of factory. It’s usually held different auctions. During auction participants have an opportunity to purchase the most famous Uzbek wines from the best vintages.
Visiting the museum you can get to know more about history of Samarkand wine making. Tasting wine is another interesting activity. There’s a special tasting room where you can try the most popular Uzbek wines. The main feature of Uzbek wines is their exceptional tart flavor and unique aroma.
A visit to the house-museum Filatov will be a good complement to the excursion program. Order wine tasting here or by phone:

Address: 58, Makhmud Kashgari str. Samarkand
Telephone:  (+998 66) 233 07 07
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