Tours To Uzbekistan

The exhibition of Uzbek headdress is opened in Tashkent

Published: 29 january 2014
  An exhibition of national headdress «Headdress is embroidered with gold silks» will be held in the small hall of the International Caravanserai of Culture on January 22 in Tashkent. There will be represented more than 50 headdresses at the exhibition. It will last for 2 weeks.

  It is known that Uzbekistan is famous for a large variety of headdresses (cone-shaped, round, dome and square), which are considered one of the national applied arts and integral part of the national costume. Uzbek skull cap is not simple headdress. First of all, it is part of the cultural and historical heritage of our region. In addition, it performs not only its basic function but the role of decoration, as well as it shows the status and social status of its owner. Today, headdresses are divided into male, female, children and old men.