The Sixth Festival of traditional culture “Asrlar sadosi” (“Echo of ages”) will be hekd on 4-5 of May in the valley Sarmyshsai of Navoi region, which is organized by the Fund Forum. Traditionally "Asrlar sadosi" presents the diversity of national traditions, and customs, applied art and national cuisine. There are more than 10,000 famous petroglyphs in Sarmyshsay. The figures of humans, their hunting and military weapons, clothes, household items are carved on the rocks. There are also images of different animals, some of them disappeared and no longer meet in the territory of the country. Many participants and guests of the festival will see it.
Traditional folk festival, performance of folk groups, fair of arts and crafts, national games, including horse game ulak kupkari will be on the territory of the valley Sarmyshsai within two days. There is also the festival of national cuisine and one of the highlights is the festival of National Dress. By tradition “Asrlar sadosi” will finish by gala concert with the participation of foreign guests.