The International Tourist Exhibition "World of Rest" will be held in the capital exhibition complex "Uzexpocenter" on April 17-18. It is organized by the "Uzbektourism" jointly with RA "Great Silk Road". The main purpose of the exhibition is the development of domestic tourism and demonstration of tourist potential of our country to foreign tourists.
This year the program of the II International Uzbek Tourist Exhibition "World of Rest" is included three major events: IUTE project, the Fest of national dishes “Taste of the Silk Road”, science and practical conference “Gastronomic tourism”. The "Uzbektourism" is reported that more than 40 companies will take the participation in IUTE as well as more than 8 thousand people. The fair will be held on two stages. The Fest of national dishes “Taste of the Silk Road” will be organized on April 18, where the visitors of the Fair will be able to taste not only pilaf but other national dishes of Uzbekistan.
There also will be held a conference of gastronomic tourism. It is known that Uzbekistan because of its unique local cuisine has all opportunities for this development. Gastronomic tourism will allow making many national dishes the real brand of Uzbekistan, which attracts a lot of foreign tourists.
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