Non-Visa regime to visit Uzbekistan for a stay up to 10 days has been established for 5 more countries starting from March 1, 2021. The citizens of Qatar,...
The Emirate low-cost airline Air Arabia completed its first regular flight to Tashkent from Sharjah on November 4, the correspondent reports, citing...
On Broadway, as the citizens of Samarkand have already dubbed it, located along Orzu Makhmudov Street, every visitor has the opportunity to try out various Uzbe...
Japanese airline JAL Business Aviation plans to organize charter flights from Europe to Uzbekistan. Representatives of the airline announced this during ne...
Borders are being completely opened in Uzbekistan from October 1. Entry and exit are allowed through air, railway and automobile checkpoints.
Passengers who have a fever or other symptoms upon arrival will be examined at the Tashkent airport. The following flights to Uzbekistan will be launched in ...
A new thematic object in the Bukhara region has been open to tourists since September 1. "Bukhara Desert Oasis & Spa" complex located in the Romitan region ...
Some unreal thing happened! After 19 years, the Yunus-Abad metro line was replenished with two new stations - Turkeston and Yunusabad. Within the framework of...
In January-March, the number of foreign citizens who have visited Uzbekistan for tourism purposes amounted to 1 million 214 thousand people. For April-June, thi...
Good day everyone! We're glad to announce that Uzbekistan is slowly getting rid of quarantine caused by COVID-19 pandemic. The current state is: 2779 infec...
It is known that no action will be taken against these citizens, and no fines will be imposed. Kindly reminding you that air and road flights between Uzbekistan...
The procedure for entering Uzbekistan from foreign countries from August 15: Entry from "green" countries (persons who have stayed there within the last 10...
In particular, it is planned to organize beaches there, develop water tourism, transport infrastructure, and establish regular bus services to transport passeng...
Heavy equipment in construction is often called by female names - this is a tradition. And the technique involved in the creation of the metro has not been...
Good day dear guests of Anur Tour site! We kindly warning you that chilla is coming in Uzbekistan and foreigners who haven't experienced it yet might get sunb...
Hereby this announcement we notify you that we do not provide air tickets from Uzbekistan to any country This feature was strictly locked under special co...
With those countries where there is an improvement in the sanitary-epidemiological situation. Those are China, Southern Korea and Japan - and only for certain t...
from 1st of January 2020 will be able to travel to Uzbekistan without a visa and stay there for up to 30 days.
All of them will land in the Tashkent's Airport terminal 3, named after Islom Karimov, Samarkand, Karshi, Bukhara and Urgench. (the closest city - Nukus)
Also, these days discounts are offered in 346 hotels, 77 transport organizations, 104 public food spots and restaurants throughout the republic.
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