On the 10th of November at 11.00 a.m in the International Hotel Tashkent Nagoya University with Uzbekistan-Japan Center of Development of Human Resources will conduct the exhibition “Education in Japan 2012”.
There you will get the detailed information regarding education and scholarships in Japan. The representatives of nine leading universities in Japan (International University of Japan, Keio University, Kyushu University, Miyo University, Pacific National University, Ritsumeikan University, Tohoku University, University of Tsukuba and Waseda University) will hold the separate presentations about their universities, and every interested person will have an idea about this or those university. It will be able to ask questions to the representatives and get the private consultations.6 Universities of Japan will present the particular information about possibilities of entering these universities.
The representatives of the Center of Development of Human Resources under “Kelajak ovozi”, which is the co organizer of the event, will tell about the opportunities of employment of the potential students in the Japanese Universities after their arriving in Uzbekistan.
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