The state joint-stock railway company “Uzbekiston temir yullari” (“Uzbek railways”) estimates the cost of construction of the railway line, which will connect the Fergana valley (territory of Andijan, Namangan and Fergana regions in the East of the country) with the rest part of Uzbekistan in $1,9 billion. This cost is built into the investment projects of the company for 2013 and future periods. It is planned that the project of the final variant of the project feasibility study will be finished at the end of 2013, and at the beginning of 2014 the general construction works will be started. The construction period might be four or five years. New electrified railway “Angren - Pap” of length 129 km. will be going through the pass “Kamchik” and it specifies the construction of two tunnels.
The project will be financed from the state budget, independent means of "Uzbekiston temir yullari", and loans from international financial institutions. Kamchik pass lies on the ridge of Kuraminsk range. The high of the pass is more than 1,2 thousand meters above sea level. Through the pass the one highway between Tashkent region and Pap district of Namangan region goes. In winter time because of the threat of avalanches the road at this site is periodically blocked.
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