Tours To Uzbekistan

Tashkent zoological garden

Published: 06 august 2013
  Tashkent Zoo is a cultural and educational institution, organized in 1924. In 1940 the exposition of the zoo included more than 200 different species of animals and birds.

  In 1994 the Uzbek government decided to build a new modern zoological garden. In 1997 it opened its doors for both residents and visitors of the capital. The territory of New Tashkent Zoo is 22 hectares.

  Today, the exposition of zoological garden has more than three thousand of animals and 415 different species of birds. Here you can see 58 species of mammals, 74 species of birds, 26 species of reptiles, 191 species of fish.

  There is also the "Aquarium" with sharks, morays and other inhabitants of underwater world. Workers of the zoo engaged in improvement of the territory, grow rare plants.

  Taking a walk along the zoo, you can enjoy not only funny animals but also camel and horseback riding as well as to be photographed with the young lions, tigers and other animals. If you feel tired, you can go for a walk, using a special bus. The day of Tashkent Zoo visit will remember not only children but also adults.

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