Tours To Uzbekistan

The annual festival Silk and Spices in Bukhara

Published: 14 october 2019

The annual festival "Silk and Spices", held in Bukhara, is perhaps one of the main events in the cultural life of Uzbekistan.

This event attracts a huge number of tourists from all over the world and reveals the culture of the Eastern people.

If you go back to history, then ancient Bukhara celebrated its 2500-th anniversary in 1997, but in fact, it is an actively developing city. Bukhara is very well located in the middle of the route of the Great Silk Road and represents a colossal historical and cultural heritage. It is for this reason that the UNESCO has included it in the list of historically important objects of the world.

In recent years,
the festival "Silk and Spices" has significantly increased the number of participating countries. Recently, masters from India, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Kazakhstan have participated in the event.

The event is striking in its scale - about five thousand guests become admired spectators of a huge solemn procession stretching along the streets of Bukhara from the Kalyan minaret to the historic ensemble Lyabi-Haus.

The annual festival "Silk and Spices"

At the end of the procession, a festival opens, in which representatives of well-known state and public organizations take part, as well as representatives of the media.

After the opening ceremony, guests enjoy a unique fair, where works of various folk craftsmen and artisans are widely represented - gold-embroidered national clothes of masters from Samarkand, Kashkadarya and Surkhandarya, chasing from Bukhara, porcelain interior items and dishes from the sunny Fergana Valley, fabrics - satin and adras - widely known all over the world.

The fragrant spices give a special mood to the fair, thanks to its colorful colors and spicy fragrance.


This unique event lasts about three days, and each guest are provided the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the culture and traditions of the ancient East.
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